Statement of Welcome and Who We Are
To be an Anabaptist witness for Jesus, blessing our local and global communities
We are a caring community of Jesus’ followers, sharing God’s love, mercy, and justice
These statements grew out of a long process of listening to one another as we considered the call of God on our lives and what it means to follow Jesus together. They were adopted by the congregation in Fall 2024.
Statement of Welcome
At Sunnyside Mennonite Church we acknowledge a diversity of perspectives, practices, and biblical understandings. We recognize that we do not all agree, but in love we extend grace to each other.
We recognize the sacred worth and dignity of all people. Each one of us is made in the image of God, loved by God, and given gifts by God to serve the church and the world.
We welcome all races, ethnicities, physical and intellectual abilities, gender identities, sexual orientations, marital statuses, ages, education levels, and financial and immigration statuses into full participation in all aspects of church life. This participation includes membership, baptism, marriage, and lay and pastoral leadership.
We invite all people to join our community as we follow Jesus together.

Who We Are
By the power of the Holy Spirit, we follow Jesus…
in belonging
We seek to practice acceptance and affirmation of each person and their gifts. Our differences allow God to work in new ways.
in celebration
As an intergenerational community, we celebrate the good news of God’s movement in and around us. We joyfully journey with one another as we grow.
in service
We are a hands-on community that participates in God’s work in the world, caring for one another as each person has need, within the congregation and beyond.
in shalom
Shalom encompasses justice and peace. We begin with our own relationships, repairing harm and making the way for right relating. We also move outward, seeking wholeness with creation, our neighbors, and our world.
We are called to grow …
in diversity
As we practice belonging, we work to overcome assumptions and other barriers to community. We seek to better appreciate our differences so that Sunnyside can truly be a place where diverse people belong.
in the Spirit
We seek to grow in awareness of the Holy Spirit and share how we see the Spirit moving for the purpose of more closely following Jesus together.